Code of Conduct

3 minutes

Adapted from code4lib’s Code of Conduct:

Events are a wonderful opportunity to network, learn, and exchange ideas. By following these guidelines, we can all contribute to creating a positive and respectful environment where everyone can learn and connect effectively. Thank you for your cooperation and enjoy DRI Connect!

  • Be respectful: Discriminatory language is not appropriate in any venue or platform. The Alliance does not tolerate harassment in any form. Harassment is understood as any behaviour that threatens another person or group or produces an unsafe environment.

  • Be open-minded: Try to keep an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and perspectives. Whenever possible, give people the benefit of the doubt! We are all here to learn, and this event is a great opportunity to broaden your understanding of different topics.

Let’s Keep Everyone Healthy #

You can ensure the comfort of those around you by:

  • Regular handwashing and/or using hand sanitizer 🧼 🧴

  • Wearing adequate footwear at all times 👟 👞 👠

  • Covering your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing 🙊 🤧

  • Respecting people’s choice to mask 😷 (Masks will be offered at the registration desk for those who wish to wear one.)

No Scents Makes Good Sense #

Some people have sensitivities to various chemical-based or scented products. We ask for everyone’s cooperation in our efforts to accommodate their health concerns. Scented products such as hairspray, perfume, cologne/aftershave and heavily-scented deodorant can trigger reactions such as respiratory distress and headaches to folks with sensitivities. DRI Connect in-person participants are asked to please not use chemical-based or scented products while sharing common spaces.

Photo Guidelines #

Please ask for a participant’s permission before taking a photo/video, and confirm before you post to social media.

Conflict Resolution #

If you witness or experience any issues while participating in DRI Connect, and feel comfortable speaking with the other participant, please inform them that they have affected you negatively. Their behaviour may not be intentional and you may be able to resolve things by having a discussion.

We understand that there are many reasons why a participant might not feel comfortable addressing things directly. In this case, you might need someone to step in and help. If you are attending in person, you can find a Community Support Volunteer. These people will be identified at the conference and can also be reached by email. If you are attending online, you can privately message the Moderator. Moderators may not be Community Support Volunteers, but they know how to direct you to them.

All conversations will be kept private and confidential.

Community Support Volunteers #

Alex Thistlewood

Ines Hessler

Tessa Derksen